How to Join AIM GLOBAL Nigeria


AIM Global can help ordinary people achieve their dreams, have financial freedom and have a balanced life.​

Our Mission

To open the doors of opportunity and prosperity by empowering our distributors to achieve financial independence and economic stability by maximizing the wealth of the market through our breakthrough products and services.

Our Vision

To provide unmatched innovation and quality distribution of outstanding products and services to local, regional, and global markets.

Core Values

LEADERSHIP: The valor to shape a better future
INTEGRITY: Be genuine and reliable
EXCELLENCE: To stand out and be known
PASSION: Committed by heart and mind

QUALITY: Revolutionary and effective products to cater the world.

                                How to Join AIM Global Nigeria

AIM Global also known as "Alliance in Motion Global" is a network marketing company, with international partners Nature's Way USA, DSM Switzerland, AMS Life Science Japan, and other international health companies.

We distribute highly effective, value for money, unique health and wellness products worldwide.

AIM Global headquarters is in Philippines and with over 10 years in the Market.

We are expanding our Network in Asia, Africa, Middle East and soon in other continents.

One of our Top product is the C24/7 health supplement. It has all natural and non chemical ingredients. It helps to cure and prevent from diseases like diabetes, goiter, stroke, cancer and a lot more.

We also have "Liven" alkaline coffee (healthy coffee) and "My choco" chocolate drink for children. We also have Cholduze omega (fish oil) which is good for the heart and a lot more.

Our Products are one of a kind and you will not get that from any drug store, pharmacies or super markets.

We have offices in Abuja, Ibadan, Onitsha, Lagos, and Port Harcourt where in you can register, get trainings and get your products to get started with your business. Free Trainings are held daily at the office.

To begin your AIM Global business, you need to have your products like C24/7, Liven coffee, MyChoco etc. You also need to have your other business materials like Presentation folder, CD guide for your business. All these things will be included in the "Global Package"

You just have to buy the Global Package for registration:
Aim Global Nigeria
Once you purchase your Global Package, you will be registered as distributor of AIM Global, you will be provided with online business account "Data Tracking Center" (DTC) through internet and it will create your own LEFT and RIGHT Sales Groups. Your username and password shall be provided once you sign-up for membership.

To Maximize your potential income per day, we also offer 3 heads and 7 heads
Aim Global income

Package Type
No. of Heads
Potential Income
Starter Package
N 153,600 per day
Entrepreneurial Package
N 460,800 per day
International Builders Package
N 1,075,200 per day

***Package Price is (Global Package Price) multiply by (No. of Heads) 

CLICK know more about 1, 3, 7 Heads

You can Earn in 6 major ways:

#1 Direct Referral Bonus (DRB)
Every person that you have invited to join and became a member, you will automatically earn 5,000 Naira. You will also earn 1,200 points. This points will used in your other bonuses.
Aim Global Nigeria

#2 Matched Sales Pairing Bonus
You will have 2 groups, LEFT group and RIGHT group.
Aim Global Nigeria
Every time your LEFT group made 1,200 points thru "Product Sales" or "Refer a Person to Join" and your RIGHT group did the same, You will earn a matched sales bonus of 9,600 Naira.

Each account is allowed to have a maximum of 16 group matches per DAY. Therefore, maximum earnings in this scheme is Naira 9,600 X 16 = 153,600 Naira per DAY

#3 Retailing
All members are entitled to a lifetime 25% to 50% on their next re ordering of any products:
Aim Global Nigeria
- a box of C24/7 price is 9,250 Naira
- members price is 6,950 Naira
- You earn 2,300 Naira when you sell

There is "NO Quota" in selling. If you don't made a sale, you are still a "lifetime member". You can also pass this business to your children or any of your beneficiaries.

#4 Uni Level Bonus
Earn 10% of Products Sales Volume from your direct Referrals and 5% of Products Sales Volume from your direct Referrals from your first level up to your 10th level (if anyone is inactive from 1 to 10th level, the next active after 10 will take place)
Aim Global Nigeria

#5 Stair Step Bonus
Aim Global Nigeria
When your group grow bigger, there will come a time that your rank will be promoted (Distributor > Silver Executive > Gold Executive > Global Ambassador). Once you are promoted, you will never get Demoted. All members will go up.
Once you get promoted, there are increase in your commission on group sales from first level to infinity level:
Silver Executive => 10% commission
Gold Executive => 20% commission
Global Ambassador => 30% commission

#6 Royalty Bonus
Aim Global Nigeria
If you become a Global Ambassador and you have Global Ambassador downlines from your 1st to 5th level, you will earn additional 2% commission on all of their Product Sales.

Watch AIM Global's Marketing Plan Video

English Version

How to Join AIM Global Nigeria

Contact us directly to help you get started today.
Contact us directly to help you get started today.
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Aim Global International – We inspire your life for brighter future
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“We don’t get unlimited chances to have the things we want. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.”


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